Tuesday, November 13, 2012


As well as being super busy lately, my household was hit pretty hard with the flu.  All weekend was spent taking care of my 3 sick kids, as well as myself :(  It was not fun around here.

Anyway, I am spending this week getting caught up because after being out of commission for 4 days, I am sure am behind.

Here of a few of the families that I have been working on :)




First I have to apologize that it has been so long since I have posted on here.  I have been giving clients their previews through facebook and have been forgetting to put them on here too.  That being said I have a lot of previews to get on here.  

Here are a few of the seniors from last month.


Monday, October 15, 2012

Miss Emily!

I finally met with Emily to take her senior photos!  We had beautiful weather and she looked fabulous!  We went to two of my favorite locations and I love how her photos came out!!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Beautiful fall session!

I met with this lovely young lady the other night to take her senior photos.  She was fantastic to work with and I was so excited about how her photos came out that I had to preview five instead of my usual three for a senior session......I just couldn't choose! 

Monday, September 17, 2012

Annual family session!

I have been photographing this family for many many years!  It is so amazing to see the kids grow year after year.  They have gotten really good at getting their photos taken :)

This senior was just beautiful. Aren't her blue eyes just stunning?  Like I said before, the wind was a little bit of a challenge, but we made it work!

Loving September at the beach!

All my sessions took place at the beach this weekend and it was beautiful.  The wind was a little bit of a challenge, but we made do and I love how the photos came out.

My first session was fantastic.  Little P. was such a little ham, and so much fun to photograph!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Beautiful weather!

This senior and I had to reschedule our session after getting rained out last week, which after all turned out to be just fine.  Last night couldn't have been more perfect.  The temperature was great, the light and colors were vibrant and she was fabulous!

Loving the Beach!

I had a blast photographing this large family at the beach.  The kids were so much fun and did whatever I asked them to do!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Another fabulous senior session!

I met with this beauty the other night to take her senior photos!  The night was gorgeous and we had so much fun!  I just love how these came out!